Take a WildStep ... in the right direction
About Us
In the UK more and more of our species are in decline with about 15% threatened with extinction. We’ve already hunted all of our top predators to extinction. Native woodlands cover as little as 2.5% of our land. Our seas have been overexploited to meet the every growing and unsustainable demand for food from both our domestic population and overseas, with pollution from watercourses feeding our oceans creating further problems.
Conservation has been working hard to promote change to save wildlife and improve our environment. But it’s time to move beyond species promotion and nature reserves.
We want to take a WildStep and we want everyone to join us. We want to rewild land in local communities for the benefit of the local people, to protect property value, to protect communities, to protect species and wild life, to protect our air quality and reduce water-course pollution, contributing to the protection of the global environment.
We are going to start a small revolution for investors, for community groups and provide away that land can be valuable in its purest most natural form.
Take a WildStep with us and support WildStep to protect your environment.
Help us to make a difference today for all our tomorrows
You can sponsor a section of rewilding land with a regular payment of £1 per month for a specific identified 1m², or £5 per month for a full what3words 9m² grid
Small items for WildStep sites
Bird Box
Bee / bug habitat
Bat nesting box
Reusable tree guards x 10
Compostable tree guard
Coconut growing compound
Buy a tree for planting
Buy yourself - coming soon our WildStep products
Wildlife calendar 2024 – pre-order – release Sept
Limited edition wildlife photos and pictures / prints ... profits to Wildstep
A one-off donation, specific amounts available or general any amount option
WildStep Land Purchases
Sponsor one land transfer fee
Sponsor legal fees
Sponsor land purchase
Sponsor surveyor fees

Economic Opportunities





Rewilding improves our health and wellbeing
More nature is better for all of us, providing us with clean water, flood defences, food, healthy soils, breathable air, and good health. It’s important that we work to ensure everyone has access to wilder nature, even in our urban areas.
Land Acquisition
Land has been purchased and secured. The aim of the project will be to rewild a significant area of land along water-courses, in an area where land is increasingly under-pressure to provide economic returns from high yield farming methods or from changes to more tourist based economic activity. The project has secured an acre of land, and is now raising finances to extend this. The land will be returned to natural vegetation to act as a buffer between the effluent polluted watercourse and the farm land beyond, while also removing the land from sale. There will also be an attempt to create a micro-economic activity to contribute to the tourist economy within the region in a sustainable way.
Increasing biodiversity
Funding being raised - Project planning underway to increase biodiversity by increasing habitat and wildlife corridors by purchasing swathes of land across larger areas of land currently used for agriculture. Returning land corridors up to 20m wide to natural habitat to provide habitat and promote wildlife numbers and species. Also resulting in reduced run-off rates, protecting soil fertility and preventing large scale agricultural run-off from entering watercourses.
Rewilding Parcels of Land
Initial exploration of a project in Stroud to remove parcels of land from sale for an area that is likely to be explored for development purposes. By removing and rewilding parcels of land within the potential area we seek to ensure that any future development is prevented from fully developing all the land without retaining at least some natural areas. Due to the topography of the land it will also be important to retain some natural vegetation and protection from large scale run-off that may see the local water-courses, that already come under significant pressure during high rainfall events, from being unable to cope with higher run-off levels. No micro-economy has yet been considered for this project, although it is hoped that with some input from local farm owners some economic gain can be found to support an investment return over sponsorship of the land.
Benefits of Rewilding
Wildstep uk
- Mitigate climate change by increasing carbon removal from the atmosphere
- Protect against climate change impacts
- Reduce soil erosion, flood risk, and pollution run-off into water courses
- Rewilding has socio-economic opportunities for local communities
- Reduce environmental hazards
- Improving human health and wellbeing with access to nature and protecting the essential life-cycles